Friday, April 13, 2012

Do you have a peace plan at the office or home?

Living in Texas, we have tornado safety plans so when the storm comes, we know what to do and we have practiced how to be as safe as possible.  I was thinking why don't we have a 'peace' plans before conflicts happen?  I see most countries create a peace plan after a war.

I have to confess, I don't have a peace plan at home or at the office.  I want to experiment with the idea of having a peace plan for the office or my home to know what to do to create peace and to practice it.

In our culture we have a tendency to shy away form conflict or ignore it, sweep it under the carpet, etc.  Does that sound familiar?  Maybe even reading about conflict now brings up nervous feelings?

I happened to be a trained Nonviolent Communication mediator so I think I rely on my skills were ever I go.  Yet I want my co-workers and family to have the same empowering skills.  I have the ability and tools to try to co-create peace in any conflict or situation with humans that is...  I want a plan when I have a crisis of imagination and to be supported by others in the moment.  

My inspiration is, "Where on the “peace continuum” is the optimal location for living life together bearing the fruit of hope (future is secure), joy (purpose is fulfilled) and love (free to create)."

I think if my colleagues and family members had a clear plan, a 'refuge,' we created in peaceful times before any raised blood pressure, etc, when a situation arises,  one of us feels angry or upset or there are loud voices, we would have a map or plan to instantly refer to instead of needing to think or create one in that moment.  Maybe something to keep us calm and in the water...

I don't have the answer, just the intention to create one at this point. 

What does this idea brings up in you for your life?  Do you want an agreed 'peacemaking process' or 'peacemaking place' for your work or family?

If you have any ideas how to create one, please let me know...

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