1. What is a re-do?
re•do [v. ree-doo; n. ree-doo]
1. to do again; repeat. 2. to revise or reconstruct: to redo the production schedule.
Noun 3. the act or an instance of redoing.4. something redone.
re•do [v. ree-doo; n. ree-doo]
1. to do again; repeat. 2. to revise or reconstruct: to redo the production schedule.
Noun 3. the act or an instance of redoing.4. something redone.
2. What is a 'social re-do' and why practice it?
A social re-do is to reconnect any disconnect between 2 human beings. Human beings feel connected when they have a sense that care, consideration, love, respect, trust, belonging, mattering, etc is in the air, in the house, in the present moment.
A social re-do is to reconnect any disconnect between 2 human beings. Human beings feel connected when they have a sense that care, consideration, love, respect, trust, belonging, mattering, etc is in the air, in the house, in the present moment.
3. Who do I do re-do with?
Any human being you would feel uncomfortable to see or meet again, this includes family members. There is ‘something’ sitting between you.
Any human being you would feel uncomfortable to see or meet again, this includes family members. There is ‘something’ sitting between you.
4. When to know to ask for a re-do?
You take some action. (France's President Sarkozy saying the Israeli Prime Minister a liar.)
You ask for a re-do when you receive feedback or see in someone’s reaction to what you did, said or didn’t do was not a clear communication of what is in your heart. Or, you can think, feel, sense in your own reaction that you would like to relate in a way that is more mutually satisfying. Perhaps the act/action did not show the care you have in this circumstance or for this person, you had a thought questioning what the heck you just did or said, you because aware you were not fully honest or transparent, the action stimulated confusion or pain in another, etc.
5. How to prepare for a re-do.
Stop, take time to connect to what is important to you, in your heart, (remember the point is to reconnect any disconnect between 2 human beings) and consider your long term goals for how you want to be in the world (not maybe the strategy that lead to the disconnection) and for how you want to connect with other human beings.
Stop, take time to connect to what is important to you, in your heart, (remember the point is to reconnect any disconnect between 2 human beings) and consider your long term goals for how you want to be in the world (not maybe the strategy that lead to the disconnection) and for how you want to connect with other human beings.
6. Doing a re-do
There is no ‘right’ way to do a re-do. Having the intention to want a re-do is re-connecting.
There is no ‘right’ way to do a re-do. Having the intention to want a re-do is re-connecting.
You can say, “Are you willing to do a re-do with me? I would love a re-do? Have you every heard of a re-do? Re-dos enable us human beings to be works in progress and to see our fellow man as works in progress as well. President Sarkozy could send a message to Netanyahu something like 'I long for reliability and I wonder if you would be will to do a re-do with me?' Just a thought... Happy to hear your ideas!
Do you value 'social re-dos'? Let me hear from any social re-doers like yourself. I want to inspire more re-dos...
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